Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random Post! ♥

Hello readers,

Been missing for quite a few days! Here to update my blog!

Busy Busy Busy. Schedule's pack like crazy!

Special thanks to Nadhirah for specially coming down to Vivocity to eat lunch with me!:D

Went to Malaysia yesterday to get my contact lenses! Can you even believe it? The price they sold their contacts is actually less than half the price in Singapore. With the exchange rates, it's even cheaper. Anyways, I got my sunglasses there! Love it!

Things packed up for the upcoming days.

Now till 26 December, working at the Atrium Vivo Tangs Fair.
27 December till 4 January, Korea trip.

Sorry to those that I've no time for. I miss you friends!

Dedication to Darling Lum,

Sorry for not being able to accompany you.
I miss the times we go out for the whole day.
You're still my first priority.
I love you, wholeheartedly.
Don't doubt my love for you.

That's all! Nights all! Stay tuned(:


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