Wednesday, July 1, 2009

National Day Parade ♥

Hello readers,

I, have decided to work hard for my studies and put aside all the blogging(: Unless I have some special updates which I would like to post. Anyways, I felt guilty not starting much earlier. Although it's abit late now, never too late to start! *grins* A new beginning to studies. &the moment I'm typing this post. My sister is talking non stop behind. Singing or should I call it "making noise"? Alrights, will be going to watch National Day Parade with Phia at the floating platform. Darling gave tickets so I will be able to see him perform on that day! Bet he will be sooooo cute wearing the golden colour costume. *Muahahaha* Pictures Pictures Pictures definately! Off to study! Nights everyone,



Yilinnn :) said...

O.o so guai oh? Hahas. Jiayou for o level! LOL sophia making noise.. Hahas.

Stefsoo, said...

hehe! yeah super guai(: Thanks mei. yeah noisy noisy(: