Nothing special. Chose a date to go out with wtp which is on the 22th November. I might change the date, sorry wtp. Never had a chance to go out with wtp.
Outing with darling:D I forget to bring my EZ LINK CARD along so had to go back to get it. I'm suffering for senile dementia.
Clarke Quayed. The Central is quite new so there isn't much people there. It's just sooo quiet. Walked around &went to Burger King. Demanded dear to share the BK Fish Set with me! Muahaha Niceeeee. If I was expected to choose between Mac &BK Fish Burgers, BK Fish Burger is definitely the winner:D After that, we walked to Liang court. The whole place is renovating so there isn't much to walk. Walked back to The central to take the mrt back to Punggol. Bought BBT &homed. &amk hub.
I'm having sooooo much fun yesterday! Thanks darling:D &he promised to go some places with me.
English report.
Geography Workbook page 67 to 87.
Literature STEP worksheet.
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